
The Big Sky State Games made the difficult decision to postpone the Ice Hockey Tournament for March 31- April 2 due to low registration numbers. We are looking at hosting the event in the Fall, but do not have a definite date. Therefore, refunds will be issued by Friday. Thank you for your understanding and we will keep you posted on new dates.
Centennial Ice Arena427 Bench Blvd
Billings, MT 59105
Entry Fees
Early Registration (until TBD): $400 per teamLate Registration (TBD): $425 per team
(4 - 8 players: includes required goalie)
Processing Fee: $2.95 plus 2.5% per team
Online Registration Deadline: TBD
If you cannot register online, click here to download a printable entry form.
T-Shirt Pickup:
Team Shirts will be given to team captain/contact upon team check-in at the event site.Additional Events
Hockey OpenGirls Hockey