
Click on an event to view the sport-specific information for each basketball event, including schedules, locations, fees, and other important information.
Grade Verification: Teams must be prepared to show proof of grade level (examples: letter or email from school administration, report card or current school ID card.)
Rosters Deadline: Teams' rosters that don't list at least five active players by July 1 will not be put into the bracket and the team's registration fee will be refunded.
Waivers: All waivers must be signed. Waivers will be checked before first game and players without a signed waiver will not be allowed to play.
Wristbands: All rostered players plus one coach will receive a wristband for admission into their facility and/or other basketball facilities. Players and coaches WITHOUT their issued wristband WILL be charged an admission fee. If you want free admission you must check-in at the site where you first play each day and KEEP the wrist band you are given at team check-in. NO REPLACEMENT WRIST BANDS WILL BE GIVEN OUT.
T-Shirt Pickup: Team Contact must pick up team t-shirts at Billings Hotel & Convention Center (1223 Mullowney Ln.) during T-Shirt Pickup Hours. Team T-Shirts are based on rosters submitted by Roster Change Deadline. Players will not be able to pick up individual shirts. Any roster changes made onsite will not be reflected.