Virtual 5K Run

Cost: $25 per person (individuals currently in the Shape Up Montana program are already registered for the V5K)
Dates: February 1 - May 1, 2025
Cost: $25 per person (individuals currently in the Shape Up Montana program are already registered for the V5K)
Dates: February 1 - May 1, 2025
NEW! Shape Up Montana has partnered with Photolanthropy to offer SUM participants an opportunity for a Virtual Photo Booth experience. We're offering you a free digital download of a still photo, a gif of you, or a photo burst. All you have to do is visit the virtual booth and pick the image type you like. You'll be able to text or email yourself your image once you've completed it. If you're doing this from a laptop or desktop computer you'll want to make sure you have camera capabilities on that device otherwise using a smart phone is recommended. After sending yourself the pic you'll "scratch off" for your chance to win SUM CambelBak water bottles, Albertson's Gift Cards, picnic blankets, journals and more.